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starts  09.25 - 19:15
Richard Jordan, BSc, MSc

This course is designed to introduce participants to the important role of economics. It introduces students to the basic tools of economic analysis, and the principles necessary to appreciate economic relationships, business behavior, and consumer choice.

Special emphasis will be given to the areas of supply and demand, the theory of the firm and market externalities.

The course will also expose students to aggregate economic performance and will explore aggregate measures such as gross domestic product, inflation, unemployment, and trade. Students will also gain an insight into the introduction to apply the economic development, globalization, and the role of international lending institutions.

The objectives of this course are to:

  • Introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of economics.
  • Introduce students to the disciplines of economics and provide a basic understanding of how it functions in today’s society.
  • Introduce students to the tools and theories to address everyday economic problems, for example, inflation, unemployment, growth and development and to contribute meaningfully to any dialogue on these issues.